

Length: 0:45


The trailer sets the mood for the overall webtext experience. Set to a bass guitar track, the trailer presents clips and images from other videos in Techne. The largely black and white clips move quickly, overlapping, fading into and out of one another: First there is a naked human back, with the left hand coming over to scratch an itch, and then images of Jonathan and Jackie rotate. Next, Jonathan swipes through the Mood Map program on his iPhone, and then Jackie talks into the camera: “Here is a story. I was 18.” Next, Jonathan’s uncle’s image is superimposed on a clip of Jonathan talking, followed by Jackie turning in slow-motion circles, and then back to Jonathan holding up his iPhone with a picture of his uncle on it. Then the camera pans Jackie, first in a mirror and then face on, looking into her iPhone at a crowded conference hall. Next, a clip from behind as Jonathan plays piano and a transparent image of sheet music is superimposed. Finally, there is closeup of Jackie’s right eye, slowly opening, and then we are back to the naked back. Is it a woman or a man? The word TECHNE appears in the lower right-hand corner before the video fades out.

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